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IMechE to hold seminar on ITS

18 Jan 2010

The Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) has organised a one-day seminar on 15 April 2010 to examine the engineering and technological challenges created by developing and deploying an Intelligent Transport System (ITS) service in the UK, and to share solutions to these challenges. With presentations by leading figures in the ITS industry, this event will provide a comprehensive update on the latest developments and technologies in delivering ITS to the UK.

Intelligent Transport Systems apply information and communication technology to transport. It is based on the fundamental principle of integrating intelligent vehicles and intelligent infrastructure with active driver interaction and legislation support, with the goal of improving overall safety and security to travellers, relieving congestion, reducing emissions and enhancing national productivity. Examples of ITS applications include collision avoidance and mitigation, vulnerable road user detection and traffic management.

Much of the technology needed to deliver safer, efficient and intelligent transport systems is already in existence in the UK. The seminar will explore the full development and deployment timeline of ITS services. The event’s attendee list includes heads of transportation, system managers and planners, senior engineers, road safety inspectors and infrastructure professionals. IMechE invites SMMT members to exhibit at a discounted rate.

To book now or view the full programme, please click here.