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New code of practice for equipment fitting launched

13 Jan 2006

The latest version of the code of practice for installers of in-vehicle equipment (known as MPT1362) has been launched by the Federation of Communication Services (FCS). MPT1362 includes detailed technical guidelines on safe installation, antenna installation, legal requirements, interference checks, customer communication and user training.

With increased driver legislation and new vehicle-tracking services on the horizon through road pricing and pay-as-you-go insurance, the demand for accepted standards in after-market installation is very strong.

The original code was first published in 1987, latterly under the remit of the Radio Communications Agency. When it merged into Ofcom in 2005, ownership of the code was passed to the industry’s trade association; the FCS.

This is the first revised code to be published following a thorough review by the FCS Equipment Installers Group. The voluntary code is recognised by equipment manufacturers, equipment installers, fleet operators, vehicle manufacturers, and transport and logistics companies. It has also been adopted by many local authorities and the emergency services.

Stewart Gent, co-chairman of the FCS Installers Group said, ‘During 2005 the team, which comprised a comprehensive cross section of the industry and authorities, distilled a vast range of technical and regulatory knowledge to update the code. It has defined a contemporary document of best-practice that any installing engineer or vehicle equipment producer can use daily. The updated code will be used by all the equipment installers within the RQC Silver Award Scheme, the compliance scheme for professional installers. ‘

There are 29.3 million cars and 3.7 million commercial vehicles on the roads of Britain and, in addition to in-car audio and video entertainment systems, the number of complex aftermarket products such as voice and data communications equipment, navigation and tracking devices, security and asset management has risen steadily over the last 10 years with an estimated five million new installations every year.

Jacqui Brookes,CEO of the FCS said, ‘The installation industry is fragmented with thousands of practitioners who are either specialist wireless equipment installers or who install all types of after market products. MPT1362 goes far beyond simple compliance with technical and road-safety regulations. Driver and public safety can be directly affected by faulty installations so we encourage businesses and individuals to select installers who understand this and know what the industry recommends.’

The code is available on the FCS website – and a hard copy is available from FCS for a small charge.

Other links

FCS Homepage:

RQC Silver Award Scheme: