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SMMT 90th Annual Dinner – tickets now on sale

10 Mar 2006

SMMT 90th Annual Dinner in association with the Financial Times


Tuesday 28 November 2006 at the London Hilton, Park Lane, SW1


Annual Dinner 2006 tickets now on sale – at 2005 prices!

* * * *Early bird discount for bookings before 3 July 2006 * * * *

Last November’s SMMT Annual Dinner was a huge hit. The event sold out three weeks in advance and SMMT had to close the door on many disappointed customers.

Peter Horbury and Lord Sebastian Coe raised the roof and this year guests can expect similarly high profile – and entertaining – speakers, as well as unrivalled networking opportunities. More details will follow in the months to come.

Thanks to unprecedented interest this year, SMMT has already opened ticket bookings for its Annual Dinner 2006. And prices have been held at 2005 rates for those ready to book now.

SMMT’s 90th Annual Dinner takes place at the London Hilton on 28 November. We look forward to seeing you there. Here’s how to book your table

How to attend:

Discounts are available for bookings made before 3 July 2006 and for those booking one or more tables (10 seats per table). There are limited places so please book early.

The download below contains a booking form and an outline of sponsorship opportunities to promote your organisation at the Dinner.
