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SMMT publishes annual CO2 report on 2006 market

6 Jul 2007

SMMT publishes annual CO2 report on 2006 market

SMMT today published its annual report focusing on CO2 and the new car market. At a launch event in central London, stakeholders from industry, government, NGOs and the media heard about progress in cutting CO2 and challenges for the industry going forward. SMMT has produced a bite-size overview which is available from the SMMT web site, including some of the following key messages:

  • Nearly five million tonnes of CO2 have been saved in the last decade through the introduction of more fuel-efficient cars.

  • In 1997 less than four per cent of the new car market had sub-140g/km CO2 emissions. By 2006, this figure had risen fivefold to 21.5 per cent – one in five models.

  • Each vehicle made in Britain today requires half the energy to produce compared to five years ago, saving an estimated 700,000 tonnes of CO2 a year.

  • The industry is committed to open and honest reporting on environmental progress. It was the first to publish an annual sector-wide Sustainability Report in 1999.

  • Independent studies show that the most effective way to deliver long-term CO2 reductions is an integrated approach – in other words industry, fuel companies, government, NGOs and consumers working together.

Copies of the report – and overview – can be downloaded from
