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What”s new at the CV and AT Shows?

18 Mar 2004

The short answer is, plenty. There are some 600 exhibitors spread amongst the two linked shows with an amazing range of products. The exhibitors themselves range from the world’s biggest automotive outfits to tiny firms, some just starting on what may a be route to much greater things. All started small and all are the shows to do business.

We’ve given you a round-up of what we know as the news. But we’ll certainly have missed some, so use this as guide, not the definitive, last word – and keep your eyes open to see how many more new things you can find. (Please click on the link below for the full report).

Above all enjoy and make the most of what is the biggest business to business CV, automotive trade and logistics show in Europe.

Come to breakfast at the CV and AT Shows

Pre-book ‘Fast Track’ tickets via the CV Show web site or the AT show web site or even the ticket hotline, 0870 429 4356, and you’ll get a £2 CV Show Breakfast voucher.

‘Already well over 25,000 people have done the deal and we expect more yet,’ said a spokesman. ‘With a Fast Track ticket you should walk past most queues at the door, get a better deal on breakfast and take advantage of the CV Show’s 08:30 early opening. The web sites and the hotline will take bookings right up to mid-day on Thursday 25 March, but obviously we can’t mail last minute tickets in time – we’ll ask people to pick them up on the door instead. If you get to the shows, collect your tickets and get to the restaurants before 10:30 you should still get that ‘early-bird’ breakfast.

We strongly recommend you to get there earlier. It is going to be a big, busy show and the more time you give yourself, the better. And you wouldn’t want to rush that breakfast, would you?’

SMMT does the business at the CV Show

The focus of SMMT’s stand – 9-524 – at this year’s CV Show is on business development services available to members.A new catalogue of services and publications, several of them new for 2004, will be launched at the show.

Business units being show-cased on the stand include:


  • International – access to business opportunities overseas via SMMT-organised trade missions and UK groups at shows abroad


  • Automotive Data Services and MVRIS – vehicle parc data, both UK and elsewhere


  • Members of SMMT’s Technical Department will advise on forthcoming legislation affecting manufacturers of vehicles or parts. Members can also check that they are obtaining best access to the vast amount of free information on technical legislation available from the department.

    CV and AT Shows 2004

    23-25 March, NEC Bimringham.

    For more on what is at the show, please click on the download button below.

