- Supermini growth up 11.3 per cent on 2006 to 56,089 units
- Year-to-date registrations up by over 26,000 units to 858,639 units
- April total of 170,163 units up 4.3 per cent and the third rise in four months
- Private demand at its strongest since March 2004 with 4.9 per cent rise
“April has provided us with yet another boost to new car registrations, continuing the better than expected trend during the first quarter of 2007. Supermini growth of 11.3 per cent has helped to achieve this,” says Christopher Macgowan, chief executive of SMMT. “Private demand rose too, but heightened speculation that further interest rate rises are on the horizon may tame this performance.”
Download the full registrations news release and data tables.