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TSB announces detail of £8m low carbon truck demonstration trial

21 Feb 2012

Ahead of the launch of its low carbon truck demonstration trial in March 2012, the Technology Strategy Board (TSB) has posted guidance and advance information on its website for those interested in competing to be involved in the Trial.

The information is aimed at those who have not participated in a TSB competition before and should help interested parties understand the nature of the Board’s funding competitions. The website will be updated as soon as new information becomes available.

The aim of the competition, supported by the Department for Transport’s £8m capital funding, is to kick-start the procurement of low emission HGV technologies. £6.5 million will be made available for the goods vehicle demonstration trial, plus the supporting infrastructure for trial vehicles, with a further £1.5 million targeted funding for public gas refuelling hubs. The Trial is intended to run for two years.

The funding was announced in the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement in November 2011 as part of the Logistics Growth Review, which indicated that the Government would work with the Technology Strategy Board to consult interested parties on the scope of the competition before the March launch.

The TSB has consulted broadly across industry in partnership with DfT, and designing the competition scope of the Low Carbon Truck Demo Trial in preparation for the March 2012 launch.

Click through for more information on the low carbon truck demonstration trial.

Note: Vehicles bought under the Plugged-in Van scheme cannot also be funded under this trial.