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TRW invests £15 million in its Sunderland plant

18 Jan 2013

TRW has announced a £15m investment in its Sunderland facility following a successful £1.75m application to the Regional Growth Fund.

This latest investment will fund two new lines and enable TRW to build the next generation of power steering motors for global customers from its factory.

Maciej Gwozdz, TRW’s European Operations Director for Steering announced the investment on the shopfloor to the plant’s 250 employees. He said, “This investment underpins the long-term future of the Sunderland plant and means we can invest in innovative technology to build more efficient low carbon systems for automotive manufacturers.”

The new lines and platforms will replace two of the existing lines, and bring cutting-edge technology to the plant. TRW will produce more efficient, compact motors on the new lines to suit future needs of its customers. The first line will be installed in 2013 and the second will be in place by the end of 2014.

Paul Willson, plant controller at TRW’s Sunderland plant said, “We’re delighted with this major investment in our facilities.

“We’re also proud that we’re achieving success in new markets – for example supplying motor companies in China from Sunderland to complement the work of TRW Asia Pacific. We just wouldn’t be able to do this without the valued commitment of our workforce.  We have a fantastic team here at Sunderland whose productivity is a vital part of our future success.”

Sunderland City Council’s business investment team not only worked with TRW on the successful Regional Growth Fund submission but also supported the company to help it develop a laboratory.

Councillor Paul Watson, Leader of Sunderland City Council said, “TRW is a global leader in the automotive industry, and we’ve supported the company since it set up in Sunderland.  Its successful RGF bid has led to confirmation of a £15million investment, which is the best possible news for the city and wider region.”

Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg opened the fourth round of the Regional Growth Fund this week, calling on companies across the country to bid for a share of the £350 million cash pot.

The fourth round of the Regional Growth Fund will close to applications on 20 March at noon.