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UK automotive supply chain success continues

18 Sep 2015

The Automotive Council has today (18 September) published a report on the rising value of the UK’s automotive supply chain. Findings show that there has been a 5% increase in UK content in cars between 2011 and 2015, meaning that 41% of the content in cars is made at home. Due to rising production, this translates to a total growth of 32% in sales from suppliers to manufacturers in the UK and annual sales of UK-made parts to UK car manufacturers is now approaching £9.5bn – up £3.14 billion from 2011.

Commenting on the report, Business Minister Anna Soubry said:

“Automotive manufacturing is one of our nation’s biggest industrial strengths, but the hard work never stops to keep attracting new investment to the UK and building up our supply chain. It’s a big boost that more manufacturers are choosing UK-based suppliers and that their share of the market has increased by over £3 billion.”

Nigel Stein , Chair of the Automotive Council, said:

“This report shows that UK vehicle makers’ previously stated intention to increase local sourcing is becoming a reality. To secure further growth in domestic content it is vital that OEMs and Tier Ones continue to strengthen collaboration and cooperation with suppliers further down the supply chain to provide them with the confidence they need to invest in machinery, R&D and product development.”

Read the report in full.