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Automotive sector supports government’s strategy for a low carbon future

15 Jul 2009

Announced today within government’s Low Carbon Transport strategy, which forms part of the Low Carbon Transition Plan mapping how government intends to meet its targets of reducing overall CO2 emissions by 34% by 2020 and at least 80% by 2050, the strategy outlines steps to be taken to decarbonise the UK and maximise the economic benefits of a low carbon industry.


Commenting on the White Paper, SMMT chief executive Paul Everitt said, “The UK motor industry has made significant progress in cutting CO2 emissions but greater achievements can be made in the short, medium and long-term by pursuing a portfolio of technologies, including traditional petrol and diesel engines right through to hydrogen fuel cell and electric vehicles.


“The industry has established a technology roadmap and researched priorities to deliver ultra-low carbon transport solutions and we are encouraged by the support government has given this within its strategy. Industry wants close collaboration with government to support a stronger automotive sector and a more sustainable environment.”


Recognising the 19.8% drop in average new car emissions since 1997 and the forthcoming new car CO2 legislation, the strategy focuses on the impact of trucks and vans on overall road transport emissions.


Vehicle manufacturers are committed to cutting CO2 emissions and commercial vehicles are a growing part of modern road transport,” said Paul Everitt. “In partnership with government, SMMT has already implemented practical ways of informing van drivers of their environmental choices. These decisions will have a significant impact on the operating costs of all businesses making close consultation between industry, operators and government essential.”