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Government grant programme launched

28 Jul 2009

The Department for Transport (DfT) has recently launched its Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Grant Programme.


The Programme is to be managed by Cenex, the UK Centre of Excellence for Low Carbon and Fuel Cell Technologies.  Applicants will compete for £1 million in grant funding towards projects for alternative refuelling infrastructure, including electric vehicle recharging, natural gas, hydrogen, and bio-methane refuelling. The application deadline is 30 September 2009.


To provide details of the Infrastructure Grant Programme and promote the understanding of the application process, Cenex will be holding Information Days on the following dates:


  • 30 July, 10am to 4pm, Birmingham, City Hall
  • 12 August, 10am to 3 pm, Wales, Baglan Energy Centre, Port Talbot

Each event will provide details of the Infrastructure Grant Programme and an opportunity to question a panel of experts and technology providers. There will be time set aside for prospective applicants to engage with Cenex for advice on project development. The information days are open to any interested party and are free of charge.  


The recommendations made in the NAIGT report, released in May, called for industry and government to promote continued investment and improved productivity and competitiveness in UK automotive. Supporting industry’s focus are a series of proposals for a positive and supportive business environment and the building of a bold, large scale pilot market to demonstrate, experiment and grow a new low-carbon personal transportation system. As opportunities emerge via government grants or private investment, the UK automotive industry is encouraged to participate wherever possible.


For further information on the Infrastructure Grant Programme, e-mail Julia Chance on