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Low Carbon Vehicles and the Future of the Internal Combustion Engine

5 Dec 2008

Low Carbon Vehicles and the Future of the Internal Combustion Engine


On 5 December 2008, representatives from a number of organisations attended a seminar at SMMT entitled, “Low Carbon Vehicles and the Future of the Internal Combustion Engine.”


The topics discussed included:


  • An overview of technology needs and developments for low carbon, light duty engines
  • The Internal Combustion Engine History- a Future
  • Heavy Duty Diesel Engines in a Carbon-Constrained Economy
  • Now, Never or Necessity?  Challenges of the H2 IC Engine

Discussion focussed on the implications of new legislation, environmental affairs and consumer requirements. These three interwoven factors are being carefully considered as manufacturers and researchers move forward with the production of new models.


The group concluded that the internal combustion engine has achieved considerable progression in the last 100 years and they will strive to continue the trend. The future will hold even more advancements as further research produces new technology, specifically with hybrid, electric and other low emission solutions.