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Motor manufacturers help drive down CO2 emissions

21 Jul 2005

Figures published today by the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), show that UK motor manufacturers have beaten their CO2 emission reduction targets.

DEFRA set targets as part of Climate Change Agreements (CCAs) to encourage all sectors to cut emissions from manufacturing sites. UK industry has beaten those targets, cutting 14.4 million tonnes of carbon dioxide from manufacturing sites and the motor industry was played a valuable role in the reductions.

The industry now produces 42 per cent more vehicles, yet uses the same amount of energy as set out in the 1995 CCA baseline.

Commenting on the news, SMMT chief executive, Christopher Macgowan, said, ‘This clearly shows the motor industry’s commitment to improving environmental performance from manufacturing sites. But it does not mean we will become complacent.

We have achieved targets set by government against a backdrop of a highly competitive global marketplace. However, we will continue to invest in new technology, improve our processes, save energy and reduce emissions and waste from manufacturing sites and from the vehicles we produce.’

SMMT’s own fifth sustainability report, published in November last year, demonstrates the significant progress being made by UK plants in reducing CO2, as well as waste, water, and energy. The 2004 report showed:

  • Energy used to produce a single vehicle fell by 30 per cent
  • CO2 equivalent down from 1.2 to 0.7 tonnes per vehicle produced
  • Waste to landfill fell from 40.5 to 17.9 kg per vehicle produced
  • Package waste for recycling up from 2.8 to 5.1 kg per vehicle produced

The motor industry was first to produce a sectoral sustainability report showing its performance. The sixth report will be published in November.

The fifth sustainability report can be found at:

The DEFRA press release is available from: