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New requirements for trailer retailers set for October

9 Aug 2012

In less than three months, retailers, and sales outlets, of light/medium trailers built in a single stage will be required to record specific data for each of the trailers they sell. From 29 October 2012, businesses trading in category O1 and O2 trailers (including trailer caravans), but excluding those trailers subject to plating requirements, will be required to gather specified details and be in a position to provide those details, on request, to an Authorised Official of the Vehicle Certification Agency. The records must be kept for a minimum period of six years.

Light/medium trailers having a maximum mass not exceeding 0.75t (Category O1) and those with a maximum mass greater than 0.75t but less than 3.5t (Category O2), will be affected by the new requirements.

Details gathered must include:

  • Name and address of the trailer manufacturer.
  • Manufacturing company’s Company Registration Number.
  • Make and model of trailer.
  • Month and year of manufacture.
  • Vehicle Identification Number.
  • Type Approval or IVA Certificate number.
  • Date of supply.