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Ricardo has Foresight to develop low emissions engine

1 Mar 2005

Ricardo has begun work to develop a prototype engine which automatically switches between two and four stroke operation. If successful, the project could pave the way to engines with 30 per cent lower emissions and fuel consumption and better on-road performance.

News of the prototype’s development follows a study managed under the SMMT Foresight Vehicle programme. Completed last year, computer simulations showed the potential of this type of technology. Now partners including DENSO, Ma 2T4, Brunel and Brighton Universities have won DTI funding to create a working model.

Ricardo will base the design on a 2.0-litre V6 block using direct injection gasoline. It will incorporate intake and exhaust ports, as well as changes in fuel injection, ignition and valve timing, to work in two and four stroke modes.

As well as lower emissions and class-leading torque, there could be benefits to manufacturers. In production, the engines are expected to be smaller and lighter. They should also comply with the latest emissions standards with production costs equivalent to a normal diesel unit.