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SMMT boosts support for UK automotive R&D

2 Aug 2012

Supporting industry’s engineering capability in key areas of growth potential and expertise, SMMT has developed a useful online R&D resource built around the Automotive Council’s five strategic technologies:

  • Energy storage and management.
  • Internal combustion engines.
  • Intelligent mobility.
  • Lightweighting.
  • Power electronics and electric machines.

SMMT members are able to access critical information such as details of academic centres of excellence active in the priority technology areas and lists of research projects publically funded by the EPSRC, TSB and FP7. Additional documents, covering research activities in advanced manufacturing, general technologies of interest and ULCV demonstrator programmes, are also provided.

Created as a further service to members, the documents can be accessed via the technology and innovation section of the SMMT member’s area. To find out more about the benefits of SMMT membership visit the website Membership Lounge or contact SMMT’s Membership Manager, Alison Handley on 020 7344 9210.