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SMMT creates industry-wide Electric Vehicle Group

25 Jun 2009

A cross-section of the motor industry representing volume manufacturers, niche vehicle producers and component suppliers met for the first time today to form the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders’ new Electric Vehicle Group.


Seeking to interact with government, stakeholders and industry both in the UK and internationally, the Electric Vehicle Group will promote a collaborative industry-wide approach to the development of ultra-low carbon technologies.


Addressing a wide-range of issues including government policy and legislation, research and development, technical regulations, market development, supporting infrastructure and consumer incentives, the diverse group of companies will act to develop the UK’s role in this globally competitive field.


“The UK has a strong emerging electric vehicle industry which will benefit from working together on a strategic approach to the issues that affect each and every one of them,” said SMMT chief executive, Paul Everitt. “The development of ultra low carbon vehicles provides an important opportunity for the UK motor industry and SMMT is determined to provide the support mechanisms needed to maximise the value to our national economy.”


For more information about SMMT’s Electric Vehicle Group, please contact



1. The New Automotive Innovation and Growth Team was set up in early 2008 by government’s Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (now the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills) with the backing of senior representatives of the UK motor industry. It aimed to identify new measures for industry and government to promote continued investment and improved productivity and competitiveness in UK automotive. The report, ‘A 20 Year Vision for the UK Automotive Industry’, sets out the findings from the NAIGT’s 12-month investigation into the strengths and weaknesses of the UK motor industry and makes its recommendations for maximising long-term growth.


2. Participation in SMMT’s Electric Vehicle Group is limited to SMMT members with exceptions by invitation only. The Group will report into the Environmental Strategy Group which advises SMMT’s Executive Board and includes organisations involved in the research, development, design, manufacture and/or marketing of electric, hybrid and plug-in hybrid vehicles for commercial and passenger-carrying applications (excluding quadricycles). 


3. At €20 bn, the automotive sector is Europe’s largest investor in R&D, driving industry forward and helping deliver more sustainable motoring for the 21st century. Technological innovation has helped car and CV manufacturers slash CO2 and air quality emissions from vehicles. New diesel cars for example emit 95% less soot from the tailpipe than those made 15 years ago and average new car CO2 has been cut by 19% since 1997. The energy needed to produce each vehicle is down 12%, water use is down 9% and waste to landfill is down 25%, compared to 2006 performance.  CO2 emissions per vehicle produced have fallen 14% in the last year and by 45% since 1999. Almost 10,000 tonnes of waste have been prevented from entering landfill sites. For more details, download SMMT’s ninth annual Sustainability Report from the SMMT website


4. Why is the automotive sector important to the UK economy?

·          27 car and CV manufacturers operating in the U producing 1.7 million vehicles

·          £51b turnover and £9.5 billion value added

·          Over 800,000 UK jobs

·          UK automotive manufacturing supplies over 100 markets worldwide, offering some resilience to UK issues

·          New cars emit less CO2 than older models – average new car CO2 emissions have fallen 19% in the last decade

For more information on the UK motor industry, visit or