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SMMT Foresight Vehicle Technology Roadmap now live

16 Oct 2009

The SMMT Foresight Vehicle Technology Roadmap, now live and available through the Knowledge Transfer Network, will be the focus of the next SMMT webinar on 22 October 2009.

A key part of the New Automotive and Innovation Growth Team strategy for ensuring the future sustainability of the UK motor industry, the Technology Roadmap Version 3.0 is intended to provide a broad and generalised vision of developing technologies and associated issues within the industry. Taking into account the views and expertise of supply chain representatives, academia and other specialists, it delivers information on evolving markets, products, systems and technologies.
The broad scope of the roadmap reflects the complex nature of the road transport system and the changing environment in which it operates. The data was obtained from workshops carried out in 2008 and re-emphasises the importance that should be placed on technologies to reduce CO2 emissions from vehicles. The roadmap also focuses on industry trends and drivers, paying special attention to the technology developments needed to encourage a sustainable future for the automotive industry. Framework provided in the project includes: 
·         Encouraging technological innovation in road vehicle systems in the short, medium and long-term.
·         Enabling communication, discussion and action within industry collaborations, academia and networks.
·         Mapping future innovation paths for key technology areas.
During the webinar SMMT chief executive, Paul Everitt, will discuss the significance of the technology roadmap and the importance low-carbon technology will have in transforming the UK automotive sector.  Brian Lawrence, SMMT Foresight Vehicle programme manager, will outline the work of SMMT Foresight Vehicle in supporting the industry and discuss funding and business development opportunities.
The session begins at 10:30 is expected to last for 30 minutes, followed by a question and answer session.  Participants can join the event remotely from their office.  To register for the free event, click here.
To view the technology roadmap, login to the Low Carbon KTN at and select roadmap from the navigation.