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SMMT member deemed environmentally responsible

21 Feb 2009

Lloyds Register Netherlands has recently recognised DAF Trucks for its achievement in environmental progress. In accordance with a policy of ‘zero waste to landfill’, DAF Trucks, an SMMT member, no longer uses a landfill to dispose of waste. Instead, all waste is recycled, used as raw material, building material or for the generation of energy through incineration.


For its most recent achievement, the truck manufacturer’s waste flows were analysed and several alternatives were found in the field of re-use or recycling.  For example, paint sludge from the paint facilities is applied in the cement industry. DAF Trucks has a history of environmental care as it was among the first truck manufacturers in the world with an ISO 14001 certified environmental care system.


Across the UK automotive industry waste to landfill was down 25% in 2007 compared to the previous year. For more download SMMT’s ninth sustainability report.