SMMT today hosted a webinar focused on supply chain logistics and the establishment of a UK Logistics Forum.
Organisations in the UK supply chain have recognised the need to engage in complementary materials management processes to support lean manufacturing. The SMMT UK Logistics Forum would provide the mechanism for supply chain professionals to discuss and share views with a peer group on the application of lean logistics and best practice within the industry.
During the webinar, representatives from SMMT, Industry Forum and Odette International discussed the need to develop a more joined-up approach to tackling logistics-related issues and highlighted the benefits of working together:
· Input and influence the development of logistics and materials management standards.
· Share industry best practice.
· Network with industry peers.
· Initiate and support project proposals for standardisation with the wider Odette logistics community.
· Participate in joint industry-wide projects.
The group will directly feed in to the work of other established automotive logistics committees in Europe, such as France, Germany, Sweden and Spain.