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‘World’s most efficient electric car’ unveiled

29 Jun 2011

Gordon Murray Design today unveiled its ‘ultra compact city vehicle’ the T.27 – described as the world’s most efficient electric car. The £9 million design and development programme was made possible through a £4.5 million investment from Technology Strategy Board.

The T.27 manufacturing process, ‘iStream’ won SMMT’s Award for Automotive Innovation 2010 for combining efficiency in manufacturing with excellence in automotive design and safety.

iStream manufacturing technology has produced new levels of lightweight structure and safety in city cars and the iFrame geometry in the T.27 has allowed every aspect of the vehicle to be optimised including Zytek Automotive’s integrated powertrain.

The company is currently in discussion with three potential manufacturers for the T.27, Gordon Murray (CEO of Gordon Murray Design) said that it would be “the icing on the cake” if the T.27 could be built in the UK.

The electric car sets new standards in weight, footprint, small car dynamics, safety, packaging and efficiency whilst addressing full lifecycle CO2 emissions, congestion, parking and low cost motoring.

On unveiling the T.27, Gordon Murray said, “Lightweight is the most powerful tool we have in our armoury in the fight against emissions and fuel consumption. This is true of all cars and especially so with electric vehicles. A lightweight car means a lightweight battery, increasing the levels of safety and reducing the retail price dramatically”.

Iain Gray, Chief Executive of the Technology Strategy Board said, “I must congratulate Gordon Murray Design and their partners for developing the T.27 prototype – and in rapid time. The growing pressure for more environmentally friendly transport, from both customers and regulators, is creating new business opportunities in the fast-developing market for low carbon vehicles. The Technology Strategy Board exists to help drive dynamic technological innovations such as the T.27, which are key to meeting our climate change goals”.

Click on the play button below to watch Gordon Murray, CEO and Technical Director, talk about the company’s entry to the 2010 SMMT Award for Automotive Innovation.